Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goodbye January

Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is the last day of January and it is an absolutely beautiful day. Went to vote, had lunch at Mickey D's, got groceries and washed my cruiser. Tomorrow I think I will rake leaves as it is getting to be that time again. Okay just a quick one and remember to take time to smell the roses. I did. I stopped in the flowers at Publix and sniffed a hyacinyth. Love to all

Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Morning to All I am Back

I know that I have not blogged since Thanksgiving and I am terribly sorry. I have been away on o few cruises and just have not found the time or energy to blog but I will try to do better. I am making friends with my treadmill and will make friends with my blog. lol Okay love to all Remember take time to smell the roses along the road of life.