Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: We just had a lovely luncheon with the group from Lakeview Estates. We had Chicken and Waffles and good times were had by one and all. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What People Do When There is NO SNOW II
Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: We just had a lovely luncheon with the group from Lakeview Estates. We had Chicken and Waffles and good times were had by one and all. Love to all and you know the drill.
Beautiful Sunday

Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Last night we went to dinner at Lunkers with the gang. Today Flo and Lori are making Chicken and Waffles for a group of the people at their park. We are having it on the lanai and I will do whatever I can to help out. Forgot to post a pick of Karen (Joanne's friend) so I am doing so today. It is a beautiful day here again. Okay enough love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What People Do When There is NO SNOW

Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Friday we drove up to Disney to see Joanne and Karen who were running in the 5k race mat Disney Saturday morning. We met up with them at Animal Kingdom and did a few things. The Lion King Show, the Safari ride and the girls did Expedition Everest. Then they had to leave to go to their dinner and we went back to the hotel. We had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. We got up early Saturday morning and went to the run. We decided that we arte better participators than watchers. Next year we will participate. Then we went to Joanne's hotel to pick up the kielbosi. Then we came home. Flo, Don, Rand and Lori will be playing games on the lanai. We will join them later after we rest up. lol Okay enough for now and you know the drill
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What a Difference a Year Makes
Good Morning to all of the faithful followersf moi: Yesterday we went to Lake Placid to do the Murals. The town has beautiful murals on their buildings and hidden in the murals are additions hidden to find. We went to the Chamber of Commerce and watched the video about the murals. The loveely lady there told us the story of how the hidden things got started. Each artist does a painting of the proposed mural for approval. In the very first one, the board found a mistake in the painting. The artist said that he would fix it when they did the building but the board thought it would be a good idea to leave it and see if anyone else noticed it. Hence the murals each have either an addition or something missing and you have to find them Pretty cool. We have gone for the last couple of years and it is really a nice day. We then stop for a pizza at a local restaurant. Last year it was cold and we had jackets on but this year Mother Nature cooperated with temps in the high 70's. Then we came home and Lori raked some more of my leaves in the front yard. Thabks Lori. Then she baked an apple pie and we had pie and Ice cream and watched Cash Cab. Life is gooooooood. Okay got to go and treadmill and get busy with stuff. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Leaves Leaves and More Leaves
Good morning to all the faithful followers of moi: I don't know if anyone remembers the e-mail that went around about a person who moved to an area where there was snow and how beautiful it was and then by the time it kept coming and coming, the lady became a raving lunatic. Well I am at that feeling about leaves. I had my driveway and yard looking better but now Mother Nature has seen fit to have more leaves fall and it looks like I have done nothing. I am now the raving lunatic but about leaves. Okay enough whining about it. Today we are going to Lake Placid with Flo,Don, Rand and Lori to see the murals and have lunch. Will have pictures tomorrow in my blog. Love to all and you know drill.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Beautiful Day in Paradise
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: It was a beautiful day in paradise mid 80's Sorry for all of the friends and family who are experiencing Mother Nature's wrath. Hopefully it will soon be over. Keep Warm and Stay Safe. Had a quiet day. Not much happening. Maybe I will have a more exciting day tomorrow. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Morning
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Last night we had a very nice dinner with Flo,Don,Rand,Lori,Joe, and Barb at Skip Jack's. and then we had birthday cake at our house. Rick and Donna sent Don a really cool tee shirt. All and all it was a nice birthday. Again Happy Birthday Honey. Here's to many many more. Don't know what I am going to get into today but tune in tomorrow and find out. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Don
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today is my wonderful husband's birthday. Happy Birthday honey!! We are trying to find info about the Mud Fest. We are going out for dinner at Skip Jack's with Don, Flo, Rand and Lori. Then we are coming back for cake and ice cream. Okay enough for now Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tueday Stuff
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Getting back on the treadmill again. Getting ready for the 2012 1/2 Marathon. Don woke up the other morning and had this in his mind so we are going to do it. Move it or lose it is our motto. I am having a good time playing with the template designs as you can see. Bear with me!! Love to all and you know the drill
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sour Orange Festival

Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Yesterday we went to Lakeport to go to the Sour Orange Festival in Lakeport. It is so nice to experience small town America. They had some youngsters doing clog dancing. We listened to some local musical group. It was a little cool but in ther sun it was nice. Today I am just hanging out and puttering. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Myb Very Own Oak Hammock
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is an ugly day in paradise. It is cloudy and about 57 degrees. It rained this morning as I was getting started n more raking. It only held me up about 10 or 15 mins. I made a little headway in the back of the house. I did 10 bags worth of leaves. It is lovely living in ur own oak hammock. The trees are very stressed this year with all the cold weather. I have never seen them so bare. So much for Global Warming!! Okay as usual love to all and youy know the drill. For those in the frigid areas of the world stay safe and warm.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Yesterday we went to Orlando. We had to pick up our Yankee tickets from Wide Wold of Sports. Then we went to Epcot for a while and walked around the world. We went to Celebration to meet our friends Jim and Tracey for a glass of wine and caught up. It was nice to see them. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. Love to all.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Leaves or Snow
Good afternoon to all of the faithful: This morning we took the two vehicles to get the oil changed. While the cars were in, we walked over to Mickey D's for breakfast. When we got back I decided I would continue with my leaf project. The town came and emptied my barrels for yard waste Monday and I filled them back up plus 5 bags.I guess I would rather rake leaves than shovel snow. My sympathies to all of the folks who are impacted by Mother Nature's wrath in the form of snow. To all of you, stay safe and warm. Love to all and you know the drill.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Happy Monday
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is relatively quiet here. The weather is pretty and I might do a little yard work today after they empty my lawn clipping cans. Input - Output LOL Watched the Super Bowl with Don and Flo last night. Wish the NFL or whoever decides who sings the national anthem would get it through their heads to use a high school marching band or choir instead of the so-called stars that they use. I've heard a 3 year old sing the song better than the one last night. On Saying! Okay enough for now. Hope all who read this are safe and warm and keeping spring in their hearts. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Mr Tom
Cuban Food
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Last night we went for a cuban dinner at the catholic church in Buckhead Ridge. It was alright but would like to go to an actual cuban restaurant for some to see. It is gray here today but it is Super Bowl Sunday. Go Packers!! Enough for now and you all know the drill.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Saturday Stuff
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Did some raking in the yard today getting the KOS ready for visitors. Then we went out to dinner with Don & Flo to a Cuban dinner. It was alright but probably not indicative of real cuban food because they probably did not use as mamy spices as they might have. Then we played some cards with Don & Flo. Now we are home taking it easy. More tomorrow. Love to all and you know the drill.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
More Pics of Family
People Who Mkae the Disney Cruise Special To ME
Cloudy Thursday
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Tom came for a quick visit as he had loads to deliver in Lakeland and Clearwater. I don't envy him driving to the cold gray north. Be Safe!!! Brominator is now in his new apartment. Continuing on with the cruise details as they are getting hazy. After Costa Rica we sailed up the coast and did three locations in Mexico. We got off in Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta but skipped Cabo San Lucas as it was tendered. Then we sailed to Los Angeles where the Disney Wonder will be for the next two years. More about the train ride back to Sebring in a later post. Love to all and you know the drill
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Quiet Day in Okeechobee
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We were going to have a quiet day today but as usuall the best laid plans of mice and men go astray. I decided to make stuffed peppers and invited Flo and Don for dinner. Two minutes after I hung up Tom called and wanted to have an Okeeburger for lunch so we called Flo and Don and asked them if they wanted to come out with us to Pat's Country Cafe. They did and we met Tom for lunch. After lunch, he was heading for Miami to pick up load of something from a company called KISS MY FACE. Don and Flo went back to their house for a rest and then came back over later and we played cards and then at 6pm had our stuffed peppers. Tom is on his way back to Okee for some stuffed peppers.
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