Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followersf moi: This morning we went to the High School Rodeo at the Ag Center. It was good. It is so good for the kids to do this. Now I am trying to get some energy to do something else. Okay love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
High School Rodeo
Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followersf moi: This morning we went to the High School Rodeo at the Ag Center. It was good. It is so good for the kids to do this. Now I am trying to get some energy to do something else. Okay love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday in Chobee
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a lovely day yesterday. Today you will never be able to guess what I am going to do. If you thought RAKE LEAVES, youn are right. lmao Yesterday they took away my lawn stuff and now I have my buckets empty and need to do more. Okay got to go, the rake is calling me. lol Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Olive Garden
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today we are going to Olive Garden for lunch with Don and Flo. Hope all are happy and healthy. Love to all and you know the drill.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Cruise Documents
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: It was a relatively quiet day today. We picked up Don's Tux and shirts from the dry cleaners. Then we came home and got the cruise documents in the mail. Also got a note from Joanne in Nanticoke. Flo and Don are taking us to lunch at Olive Garden tomorrow and they are checking out getting an earlier train back home as Jean is recuperating after her fall. Our thoughts and prayers are going out to her. The season has gone too fast. Will miss them when they leave. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thank God for Chicken Soup
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Yesterday, feeling better after my chicken noodle soup, I went out and raked leaves. Don used the leaf blower and blew off the car port and driveway. I filled the 6 buckets and a couple of bags and then today I went out at 11:30 am and finished at 3:30 pm. I ran out of energy but not leaves. lol I ended up with 10 bags total. Now I am settling in for a quiet evening. Okay love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Chicken Soup for the Common Cold
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a very nice and quiet day yesterday. I made a big pot of chicken soup. I feel better today. A few more bowls and I will be back to normal and can get out and rake, rake ,rake leaves. It is another beautiful day in paradise. Hope that spring like weather is arriving in all of the other parts of the world. Okay love to all and you know the drill. Also we played 500 with Don and Flo and that helps my cold too. lol
Friday, March 18, 2011
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: This blog is for my wonderful husband. Today is our anniversary (16 wonderful years) striving for many many more. He usually is wonderful but sometimes he is more than I expect. He got me this wonderful card and made me cry. I have learned many lessons in this period of my life and the most important one is that one needs to spend time enjoying each other and realizing how important we are to each other. Again Mr. S "Happy Anniversary, I love you. For everyone else who reads this I hope you all find the person who fulfills you and that you all appreciate the time you have and use it wisely and don't waste it. Love to all and you know the drill.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I Dreamed I was Better
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Happy St.atrick's Day to all who celebrate the day. I still have my "COLD" I had a dream and thought I was better. But it was only a dream but I am feeling a little better. Need to buy more Puffs with Vicks. Stay tuned for more earth shaking updates. lol Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Quiet Times
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: I would like to report that I am feeling better but I am not. I am thinking about calling the DR. and getting a prescription. So needless to say not much is happening here. The damn leaves can just stay on the ground. Okay hopefully I will be in better spirits tomorrow. You all know the drill Love to all
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Be Careful Not to Boast
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: I titled this blog "Be Careful Not to Boast" because I boasted about not getting sick and how lucky I was to be around folks with colds and bronchitis and had not gotten sick and guess what. I got a doozie of a cold. So this blog is pretty boring but needed to stay in touch. I am on the down side of it. Tonight we are going to the play in town with Don and Flo. Happy Birthday to Amber. We are glad that you are in the USA. Okay enough for now and you know the drill.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Home Again
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We are home from our mini trek to Disney. It is the Flower Festival and having been to many of these that the flowers were fantastic. We had a wonderful time with Chris, Lynn and the wonderful twins. It is amazing seeing the world through little people's eyes. Did not get back to Studios to ride Toy Story Mania again. But we will. Resting up now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Another Beautiful Day in Paradise
And a very good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We are at Disney and have been having a wonderful time. Sunday Chris took us all to the parks and we got to enjoy Disney through Michael ans Samuel's eyes and it was amazing. Monday, Chris, Don and I went to Tampa to see a spring training Yankee game. It has rekindled my Yankeeitis. lol It is held in the George Steinbrenner Stadium and it is a gorgeous facility. Today we are going to Wide World of Sports for a Yankee game against the Atlanta Braves. We are going with Chris,Lynn and the boys. It should be fun to see the little guys reactions. I have a new addition in my family. She is just toooooo cute. Okay enough for now Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
We are going again!
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Sorry that I have not blogged in a few days and have no idea why the time just seems to fly by but it does. Again folks this is a good reason to use the time you are given wisely and don't waste it. You only get so much. Rand and Lori left Thursday for Disney. It seems like they just got here. We went to the Moose for catfish last night with Don & Flo. Today we are going back to Disney as Lynn and Chris and the boys are coming down for a few days. We will go to several Yankee Spring Training games. Then one day we will spend at Disney World. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. Love to all. Pic of Mr S and Miss Oreo taking their nap
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday at Disney
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a lovely day yesterday with John and Joanne. We had a lovely lunch at the Plaza Restaurant (After all the years, we had never eaten there). It was very nice. We went to Hollywood Studios and did what I think is a new ride. Toy Story It was on the order of Buzz Lightyears at Magic Kingdom. It was fun. Then we were going to stay for the fireworks but the temperature cooled down and for once I dressed for summer and did not bring sweatshirts. Like my dear mother-in-law used to say: "Nothing like being dumb and showing it!" Oh well Okay love to all and you know the drill. The pics are of trucks full of celery and triplet transportation at Studios.
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