Monday, March 30, 2009

Doctor Appointment and Pool Fixin'

Hi to all of you crazy individuals who follow my blog. Went to see Dr. Garcia today, he took the bandage off my back and removed the packing from the cyst. I can now take a for real shower. Yeh!!!! I go back to see him Thursday. When all the infection is gone and the cyst shrinks down, he will remove it. Probably 2 or 3 months. That will be good. Enough about my back. Butch is helping Don fix the leak in the pool. Butch seems to be enjoying himself.

Two heads are always better than one. Tomorrow some friends of Butch and Elaine's are coming over from Ft. Pierce. I think we are going to another video arcade. Then we are going for an Okee-burger at Pat's Lakeside Restaurant. YEEEEEH! My favorite. In the 14 years we have been in Okeechobee, I have never had anything else at that restaurant except the one time we went there for breakfast. lol Flo and Don should be homne by now. Miss you guys already. Brother, you are really getting a lot of great equipment. Keep getting richer!!

I can smell the orange blossoms from the old abandoned grove across the street. Spring is in the air. Love To All

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday's Adventure

Butch and Elaine took us to a video arcade in LaBelle today. It was fun. Don won me a 25.00 gift card for Walmart and a really nice hand made blanket. They gave you ten dollars free play to join and fed us two meals. Pretty cheap fun. Tomorrow the doctor looks at my back.
I'll be glad to be able to take a full shower. more later

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quiet Saturday

It is a lovely day today. Butch and Elaine are back from the Keys and we had some chili and corn bread muffins for dinner. My back is doing better. Miss Oreo is on my lap looking for some lovin so more later

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Stuff

Good Day to all. Just got back from drug store to drop a prescription for antibiotic. Had an infected cyst on my back and the doctor took care of it this am. He is going to remove the cyst after the infection is gone. Won't be treadmilling for a few days but think i'll live. I am ahead of my goal so that's a good thing. I am so sorry that Beth is not feeling well. Maybe once the real spring weather and sunshine comes, she will be better. Brother I beat you today. Ha Ha Butch and Elaine will be back tomorrow. More later Love to all

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Day

We went down to Don & Flo's and played 500. They are leaving Saturday for the cold grey north. Bro, I hope you found your mower. Love to all

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Good Morning to all who follow my ramblings. Last night we had a really nice barbeque with Barb and Joe, Don and Flo, Butch and Elaine and Jacob. The winter visitors are planning their trips home. It feels like they just got here. They will be missed. Butch and Elaine left this morning for a couple of days in the Keys with Kim and David. Got to go treadmill and I will put more on later

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun with Butch and Elaine

Butch and Elaine are here for a visit. It is so nice to have them here. We are sitting on the patio and Don is loading some software on Elaine's Computer. Don is setting up Elaine with a blog so we can watch their travels too. She can be a geek like the rest of us. I made some spaghetti sauce and we are having spaghetti. Flo called and asked if she and some of Lakeview's residents could cook chicken and bring dinner if I let them do it on my grill. Well I say hell yes!!! So tomorrow nught we are having a cook-out and a bye bye party. Not really a celebration for them to leave but one has to take the good with the bad. I will add more about Nassau later Love to all

Sunday, March 22, 2009

We're Back!!!!

Well we have returned from the three day cruise. We had a really nice time. Got to see all of our friends. Miss Oreo is glad we are back I think. She is always on my lap. It is all I can do to type. Butch and Elaine are here. More later

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bon Voyage

I just wanted to write a quick blog and let you all know that I will not be blogging for 3 days as we are going on our anniversary cruise. Love to all and I will post pics from Nassau.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mr. Sayman

Haooy Anniversary to Mr. Sayman

Sometimes my husband amazes me. Today is our 14th anniversary and it was the best thing that happened to me. I read his blog and it brought me to tears. I would do it all over again, and I hope that I have many many more years with him. We are going on a cruise for three days tomorrow. Sort of an upteenth honeymoon. I love you Mr. Sayman.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good Addiction

Hi My name is cruiser1403 and I am a treadmillaholic. I am getting my addiction for the treadmill back again. YEH!!! There are worse addictions to have. lol Did my am workout and when I got off the treadmill, I looked out the window and there were three horses running down the road with a couple cars herding them back down the street to the pasture they got out of. Only in Okeechobee!!! Going to make lunch and then pack the suitcases for Thursday's cruise. Flo is on her cruise with Pam. Can't wait to hear details. Love to all

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Space Shuttle Launch

We went over to West Palm Beach with Don and Flo to pick up Pam at Jill's. Pam is going on the cruise with Flo and the folks at her park. Tonight was the launch of Discovery. It was one of the most beautiful launches we have seen. We can see it from the back yard. It is cool.
Not much else is happening. Got to get packed for our cruise which leaves on Thursday. More tomorrow

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Church Festival

Just returned from Sacred Heart's Festival. We had our St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef & Cabbage with Flo and Don. After we ate we went outside and sat down and listened to some Irish Music. They had a man who did a comedy routine. He did the famous Abbott and Costello bit "Who's on First". It was hysterical. Forgot the camera so there will not be any pictures. Baad Me!!! They had a group of Folkloric (sp) dancers also. They made us miss Merida Mexico. They also had some kids doing Karate. The church has been working on building a new church and today they showed the plans and a scale model. Father Duffy would not start the church until he had enough to build it without financing. It looks beautiful should be a welcome addition to Okeechobee. And I am not even catholic.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Don's Gotta New Mini

We got Don hooked up today. Check out his mini. He is so cute. We are really techno-geeks
Gonna go make a pizza love to all

Thursday, March 12, 2009


We spent the day downloading podcasts for learning spanish and italian. Now I can treadmill and learn spanish. Don downloaded the same podcasts in his nano. We are getting to be more techno-geekish than ever. In the next few days we will hook him up to his nike+ and make him a mini. He said that he can hardly wait. LOL Got to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. More exciting excepts from our wonderful life Love to all

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Success I Guess

I did a 20 minute walk and I got it to download. I wonder if it was because the walk last night was not a complete walk? Oh well as long as it worked today. The Nike+ keeps you on your toes.


I tried to download yesterday's walk but it still would not go. I am going to try a walk later and hopefully it will download. I bought Don a new Apple Nano and Nike+ for our anniversary and he can join in with the fun. We have a pesky raccoon and we are going to try catch it. We got a trap from Animal Control. We are going to keep the girl in tonight so she doesn't get caught. More later

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baaaaad Mini

My Nike+ is being bad tonight. I tried the fix that Donna posted on Marybeth's blog but it told me something about an unexpected server error, try again later. I'll see tomorrow.

No Raking For Me Today

I took the day off from my raking project. Didn't do much. I will probably treadmill for a little while tonight. We got an e-mail today from Disney. The names for the new ships are out. THE DISNEY DREAM AND THE DISNEY FANTASY. Mr. Sayman has been saying that it would be Disney Dream all along. He is so smart. We are going to try a new restaurant in town called
Five Guys. It has burgers and fries. More later!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Enough Cross Training for this week

I just came in from day 2 of leaf raking cross training. The town came through this morning and emptied my barrels and took my bags so I thought I should do some more. I went out at noon and came in at 4 pm. I filled 4 barrels and did 11 bags. I always feel great though tired when I get our yard looking nice. More tomorrow

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Question of the Day?

The question for today is: Does Leaf Raking count as cross-training? The reason for this question is this. We live in an oak hammock and our house sits on .6 acres of oak trees. Today is an absolutely beautiful day and I flipped a coin. Heads I treadmilled and tails I rake and bag leaves. Needless to say it was tails. I went outside at about 1 P.M. and just came in about 4 P.M. I filled four cans and seven bags. Then I blew the driveway partway. Then I ran out of gas

and decided to come in and share my fun with you all. Problem is there is still alot of yard to still do. Tomorrow is another day!!!!! Got to take a shower. Thank god for my nano and my power song. It worked good for keeping me raking as well as staying motivated on the treadmill. Wish I could show my purple alter-ego raking but instead I will post my pictures. Gotta grab a shower.

Love to all

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Just a quick hello to all. Not much happening but thought I'd let everyone know all is well in Chobee. Going to go grocery shopping and get water. Can you imagine my delight!!! Love to all.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stuck Record

I feel like a broken record but in this case it is gooooood. Donna and Beth, thanks again for the inspiration to get the nike+ Ipod. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I find that I have to complete my workout because my purple alter-ego is egging me on to keep going. Donna,glad you had a good time on your trip. Again girls, thank you, thank you ,thank you.

Monday, March 2, 2009


My apology to Paula Deen as I spelled her name wrong in my blog this am. I saw her later in the day and saw that I had made an error in the spelling. Sorry Paula

Fish Dinner

Last night I cooked those fish from the yesterday's blog pic. They were delish! I baked them with lemon pepper spice and corn bread stuffing. Jacob who caught them came over and ate with us. I felt like Paula Dean. Made Baked fish and Grits. LOL

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March One

I just wanted to say Happy March One to all who follow me. I have to tell you all that I did something today that I have never ever done before. Cleaned Fish!!! Our neighbor Jacob went fishing yesterday and gave them to us. We are having them for dinner. Fish and Grits!

Hope all are safe and well and warm.