Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Sunday Morning

Good Morning all: Sorry that I have missed 2 days and I have no excuses. It was a strange week last week as I lost days and gained days and just plain couldn't get it together. Holiday weeks are like that. Yesterday we went on an adventure. We went over to check out the Sebring Train Station as we booked our trip back from California (repositioning cruise) on Amtrak. Instead of messing around with trains and rental cars and driving, we decided to go all the way with the train. We go from Union Station LA to Union Station Chicago, From Chicago we go to DC (I imagine that is Union Station also) lol From DC we go to Sebring. Could not get one directly to Okee. My wonderful sister-in-law and DW have offered to pick us up in Sebring. The pieces are all beginning to fall into place. That trip is about 7 months away. After checking out the Train station we went caching. We found two and could not find one which turned out to be muggled. After that we went to Lake Placid and had lunch. We went to the little pizza place that we went to with Rand and Lori and Don and Flo. We had the best Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. This time it was really hot as the time before I froze. lmao And last but not least, Lori we found the other cub in the mural. Life is goooooooood! Okay enough for now must WII. Love to all and take time to smell the roses.

1 comment:

Keiko said...

The train trip sounds like it will be as much fun as the cruise! Union Station is pretty neat also. That is where my mom got the Amtrack during our vacation last year.