Monday, May 30, 2011
Happy Memorial Day to All
Good Morning and Happy Memorial Day to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today we need to take time to remember all who have given their life so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. I made chicken noodle soup yesterday and hoped I would have a miraculous recovery but this nasty cold is still here. Probably another dose will do it. I so want to get in the pool. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Pause to give thanks to the fallen heros and their families. Love to all
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday News
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Well today is the 100 anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 and the Coca Cola 600 race. Wow do I remember the 600 race at Charlotte as being a long long race. Our colds are doing fine. They are progressing and hopefully soon will be gone. Going to make chicken noodle soup for dinner today. Louie came back this morning and is almost finished with the inside of the camper. It looks as good if not better than it did new. No new word on Butch but no news is always good news. Okay got to go grocery shopping and get soup stuff. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday Activities
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: We still have this nasty coldut hopefully it will go away soon. Our jack of all trades neighbor Louie is working on the inside of the camper. We looked while it was drying and it looks better than it did when it was made. Considering everything I am glad we did not have to mess with it. We got the leak fixed but carpentry is a little different. Why this blog is so late is I have found the live streaming feed of the Casey Anthony trial and I was glued to my computer until 1 pm. It is really interesting. Okay enough for now and you know the drill.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Best Pool Man in the World
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Life,Is Goooooood

Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: All is well in sunny Florida except for this pesky cold. I am mad that my head is congested and I want to go swimming. Hopefully tomorrow. Please keep Butch in your prayers as he had his surgery yesterday and all went well. There have been no new updates today. Will post more when I know more. Glad we are holding off our trip to Tennesee as the weather is nasty. Rick and Donna are on a cruise but found out that all is well in Oklahoma. They sustained no damage in Shawnee. Just lost electricity. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. For new folks, the drill is to take time to smell the roses. Love to all
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Pool Update #37
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Well it is almost a fait accompli that the pool liner is in and let the swimming begin. Except for this stupid cold I have, don't feel like swimming but I am sure I will. It is still a little cloudy but with more chemicals it will be fine. We also changed out the water in the jacuzzi. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. On another note, please keep Butch Bargo in your prayers today as he is having surgery today. We wish he and Elaine all the best.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pool Update

Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Mike came this morning and added a bunch of chemicals in the pool. We are going to vacuum it again and do it our way as he did not do it the way we do. We put an old nylon on the end and catch the sediment and then get rid of it before it gets into the filter. I have the best pool man on the planet. Mr. S is the best. Okay need to go assist him in the endeavor of the day which is trying to get the leak in the camper fixed. Love to all and you all know the drill.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday Errands
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers od moi: We did a few errands this am and now we are waiting for Mike to come and vacuum the pool and get it going. We are going to simulate a rain storm on the camper and here's hoping we have the leak fixed. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Pool Progress
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: The pics of the pool that I am posting look awful but Mike put something in that takes all the particulated matter in the water and puts it on the bottom. We used a lot of well water and it has iron in it, so therefore a lot of sediment. He will come tomorrow and vacuum it and then voila, it will look appetising enough to get in. lmao I cleaned the camper a little yesterday and will go out and do a little more today. Life is good.
Okay got to get busy. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Things are going swimmingly
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: I am blogging from my favorite spot on the lanai. Mike just came and put some chemicals intoi the pool. Might get to swim later in the week. We had a really nice meeting with Congressman Rooney last night at the Lincoln Day Dinner and the dinner was prime rib. It was good and I am a prime rib snob. It is another glorious day here in paradise. Okay got to go and wii and get breakfast. Love to all and you all know the drill.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Pool is Filling As We Speak
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: As I write this blog, the pool is filling. It is almost all done. Mile is coming tomorrow to put chemicals in it and get it ready to go swimming. In about an hour we are going to a dinner with Congressman Rooney. Our good friend from Nanticoke Pa sent us Alaska T shirts from the inaugural Alaska cruise. She is such a good person. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. We are using well water that has a lot of iron in it. It will look better tomorrow after chemicals and filtering.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Coffee on the Lanai
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: As I am typing this blog, Mr. S is wii-ing. (I guess that is a word) The natural order of life is back as we had coffee on the lanai this morning. As my brominator says "I live the life of the Rich and Shameless" LMAO Going to finish accessorizing the lanai today and probably work on camper. Tomorrow night we are going to a dinner with Congressman Rooney. Okay it is my turn to wii so I will close and love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Pool Liner is In
Bright Sunny Day

Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: The pool area is painted and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the pool liner is next. Mike said it is here and we will hope for the best. We probably will work some more on the camper as it is going good out there. Also need to cut Mr. S's hair and de-mickey him. lol. Until the next cruise. Also need to grocery shop. All the necessities of life. Okay need to get the dishes done and get the party started. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday Stuff
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today I am going out to the camper with the blow dryer and make sure that it is really dry in the area of the leak. Then we are contemplating putting the camper on the truck and putting it out front to work on the new paneling. Mike is painting the outside of the pool area as I am keeping my fingers crossed that the pool liner arrives on Thursday as planned. It is really gpoing to be nice. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. Also enjoy life today as one never knows what tomorrow may bring. Love to all
Monday, May 16, 2011
Goodbye Endeavour
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a busy day yesterday as we sealed up the camper with roof caulking. Don took the wii apart and fixed it.
Then he changed the controller in the living room ceiling fan. This morning we watched the last flight of Endeavour from the back yard. Life is Good and it will only get better. Enough for now, have to wii and cook breakfast. Love to all and you know the drill.
Then he changed the controller in the living room ceiling fan. This morning we watched the last flight of Endeavour from the back yard. Life is Good and it will only get better. Enough for now, have to wii and cook breakfast. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday Update to Our Life
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: I did not blog Thursday as Blogger was down for updating and Friday we went to Disney. Mike is painting the lanai and I think it will be wonderful when finished. I bought Mr. S a new table for his area by his chair as the glass top table was just yucky. We went to our local furniture store Morgan's and found the perfect one. I changed out my table with a table we bought when we first got furniture when we moved here. Wow a piece of furniture that survived my changing tastes in style. lmao We went for our monthly Japanese Food fix at Teppan Edo in the Japanese Pavillion at Disney. It was good. We went to Hollywood Studios and saw our friend Hastings who we met on a cruise. He was finally there and glad to see us. We now have a new name "The Crazy Sayman's" It is so true. Love to all and you know the drill
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Lanai Cleaning
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Disregard the four faux pas on my blog as Victor Marino would say "I click too much" Was trying to get my cursor in place and I goofed. Sorry. Now on with the blog. Mike is cleaning the screen room today and prepping the floor for painting Friday. So we are going to Disney for lunch at Japan. Talked with Elaine Bargo today and things are progressing for Butch. He will have surgery May 25. Please all who read this please keep him in your prayers. Okay going to putz around the house today. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Life is Good
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Life is good down here in the beautiful southland. Working on ther camper trying to dry it out and fix the wall. Prepping for our trip to Teri's at the end of the month. Okay enough for now and you know the drill
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today is Mother's Day and I want to send wishes to all of the people in my life who are mothers and grandmothers. I miss Julia today and I have been doing a lot of thinking about my mom. Things with her were less than the perfection I might have wanted but now in retrospective her life was a product of the age she was born in. You see they did not have names or medicines that would help mood altering and make life better. As with her own mother and hearing the stories about her life that was probably in her dna. I am not trying to sound egocentric but it is a shame that she did not get to know me as her daughter and enjoy the things that might have transpired. So on this Mother's Day I want to say "Happy Mother's Day Mom" And to you Julia, I miss you as you were an important part of my life. "Happy Mother's Day to you too. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Saturday
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is a beautiful day here in Okeechobee. I am sorry to all who I should have sent mother's day cards to as it got away from me. I love you all. Happy Mother's Day to all that it applies too. We are fixing some things in the camper readying it for our may trip to see Teri and the Kids. Okay love to all and you know the drill.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
New Toys
I think we have a winner
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Well hopefully three times is the charm as we picked the color of our new pool liner for the third time. It is supposed to be a go. We will see. Today we are going to Home Depot and buying a new wheel barrow. Will post pics later. Okay not much happening but that is a good thing. lol Got to do dishes and take shower. Love to all and you know the drill
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Yellow Plumeria
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: I just had to let Miss Oreo in as she was fighting with a neighbor cat who was invading her territory. She is little but mighty. Okay now I will get to my blog. We are having quite a time with picking a new liner. I have picked 2 out with Mike on the phone with the company and they say yes it is available and the next day they come back and say no. I have two picked out and Mike is coming over this am. Keep your fingers crossed for me. LOL Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunny Day in Okeechobee
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Sorry I did not blog yesterday but as most of you know I had an interesting day. Things are good here. We will get to the bottom of this. Okay Mike is working on the pool. He is fixing the place where it leaked. It was caused by tree roots. Okay got to put the laundry in the dryer. Women's work is never done. lmao Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Let Down Sunday
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: One week ago at this moment, we were on a high about going on our cruise. Today not so much. They are finishing up our tree trimming and boy is there more sunshine. Am going to go grocery shopping and omg I have to plan out my menus. YUCK!!! I have to make our bed and cook our dinners. How dreadful. lol Mike has not come yet to work more on the pool and I have to pick a new liner as the one I chose is not available. Well time to go and get this day started. Love to all and you know the drill.
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