Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We are almost ready for our trip to the north for our summer visit. This morning we are helping our neighbor Jacob with his American History paper for summer college. Glad he went to school as it helps us exercise our minds as well.
I would like to add more to my blogging about the trial and verdict of Casey Anthony. I learned many things from this trial.
When I rake my leaves now, I don't call them leaves but Leaf Litter. I learned that there is much legal wrangling in these procedures. I used to think I wanted to be a juror but not really sure now. I do know one thing, all things being equal, we would probably still be deliberating if I was on that particular jury.
I have also come up with an idea, she (Casey) would probably have been light years ahead if she went to jail for years. Now she faces nothing but hatred and much fiscal responsibility resulting from her behavior. But my life goes on and now I have to pick out the shirts for packing in Mr S's suitcase. lmao Okay love to all and you know the drill.