Good Afternoon One and All: Brominator, I am not a slacker. lol Had a busy day today as I went and got gas in the cruiser, went to the Dry Cleaners and dropped Don's tuxedo shirts off, went to Home Depot to return the sanding pads for the orbital sander and get the right ones, we have decided to play Santa Claus when we go on the cruise, so I went to Beall's and bought 20 little gifts (both ladies and men's) and then because I am sick of TURKEY so I went grocery shopping for anything but turkey. Now I am home and having a glass of blackberry wine and watching cash cab. Will work some on the bamboo stuff. Love to all
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday Monday
Good Afternoon One and All: Brominator, I am not a slacker. lol Had a busy day today as I went and got gas in the cruiser, went to the Dry Cleaners and dropped Don's tuxedo shirts off, went to Home Depot to return the sanding pads for the orbital sander and get the right ones, we have decided to play Santa Claus when we go on the cruise, so I went to Beall's and bought 20 little gifts (both ladies and men's) and then because I am sick of TURKEY so I went grocery shopping for anything but turkey. Now I am home and having a glass of blackberry wine and watching cash cab. Will work some on the bamboo stuff. Love to all
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Finally it is the real Sunday
Good Morning to anyone who cares to read my stuff: It is finally really Sunday. Holidays that come on Thursday or Friday always seem to be Sunday or in this case multiple Sundays. Kind of a quiet day. The Giants cannot lose another game today, must wait till next week lol Hope everyone has recuperated from Thanksgiving Dinner. It is getting a little warmer today. My body might start to move again. lmao Okay enough Love to all Stay safe and warm.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Blog Address
Claire: Address for blog is Any questions with setting up, call and I will try to help
Saturday Afternoon
Good Afternoon all: This morning it was cool here(40's) actually cold but I don't want to be thought of as a complainer lol We went to Indiantown today to a thing called Cache Bash. Romy and Claire: You can be glad you had other plans as it was crazy. Will tell you more Wednesday. We did get a good walk though. Brominator, my bamboo candle holders are still a work in progress but I will put you on the list of the homes for my limited edition gems. Going to watch the Florida Gators game Love to all stay safe and warm and for all the golfers, keep your putter at home. Just ask Tiger!!! lmao
Friday, November 27, 2009
It's Really Friday
Good Morning to all I don't quite know what happened with my blog tool bar but I cannot do color and that does not make me a happy camper. Will try to figure it out. Not going to watch football anymore as I get too upset. It is cool here today. More later Love to all
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Thoughts
It is after noon on Thanksgiving Day and the Turkey is nestled in the oven and the Sweet potato casserole is in the frig and now it is time to take time for a moment of comtemplation on what there is to be thankful for. For each of you who read this, it is different. Some will be happy for good health, others will be thankful for wealth, while others are thankful for everything but the important thing is to be thankful for something. Each one of us should search our minds for things that have helped make us who we are today. I, myself am thankful for all the good things and people who have come into my life. Thanks again to all who have made me who I am today. Again I want you all to stay safe and warm and turn adversity into opportunity. Love to all. (Don't eat too much) lol
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Eve
Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all: It is a gray and cloudy day here today and it rained a little but I really don't mind it. It is supposed to cool off tonight but that is okay too. I am having a limited menu today as I always make too much stuff. I am making all the things I like best. We are still working on our Bamboo project. Life is good. Okay enough for now as I have some things to do. Love to all and stay safe and warm and may all your problems be little ones. PS We are going to see New Moon this afternoon I hope, I say I hope as it is pretty popular and our kids are off school this week. At least there will be 4 people. lmao
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving Week Tuesday
Good Tuesday Morning: We are going to walk on the dike this am as there are only about 6 weeks til the 1/2 marathon at Disney. I feel like I am as ready as I will ever be but Mr. S has the feeling that we need to be better. Here's hoping!! After we walk we are going to Home Depot and buy a small belt sander for my bamboo project. Yesterday I used the leaf blower and cleaned the drive way. Just in time for Louis, our neighbor who is the jack of all trades, to come and seal our driveway. How did I know!!! Note to self: Stop watching the Rick Bayless mexican cooking show. Reason being is that I feel compelled to replicate what I see. Last night I made Puerco Carnitas. Boy was that good. Okay enough useless information for one time. Got to make breakfast. (American) Eggs and turkey bacon. lol I love you all Stay warm and safe and take care of U. Doesn't Miss Oreo have a tough life???
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday before Thankgiving
Good Monday Morning before Thanksgiving to all: It is a little cloudy here today but it will probably burn off by noon. Today I will go get my Thanksgiving Feast groceries. I am also going to work some more on my bamboo project. I am a little sore from all the sanding. Don is filling out Tom and Tom Jr's cruise documents on the internet. Well need to make breakfast and get this day started now that the blog is complete. More later. Brominator, glad you are feeling better. Love to all and I will post a special holiday blog for all who care to read it. Stay safe and warm and may all your problems be little ones.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Happy Sunday
Good Afternoon to the readers of me: Well the best laid plans of men and mice go astray. I actually worked on my bamboo candleholders today. I was feeling crafty. I spent the morning sanding these pieces of bamboo and making them smooth. It was fun except that my hands and arms are sore and tired from all the sanding. I am now watching the Giants play football and trying not to get upset with them. Well just wanted to make sure everyone knows what I'm doing. Love to all.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Super Saturday
Good Afternoon to all: Just a quick blog to fulfill my duty of blogging daily. Got up this morning and had our coffee on the lanai and decided to walk before breakfast. Went down to the lake and had a nice 1.6 mile walk. Then we stopped a McDonald's for breakfast and went ot Wally world. Picked up a couple of cans to put the yard debris in. Tomorrow I will work some more on the yard. Okay enough for now. Love you all.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday Stuff
And a very very good morning to all who find my stuff interesting enough to continue to read: It is another perfectly beautiful day. Just finished my coffee on the lanai and now am contemplating the cooking of breakfast. I think I am going to start working on my bamboo candles today. I am feeling crafty so we will see. Am hoping that the Giants come through for me this weekend. Hopefully the bye week was good for them in more than one way. Jessica crossed the Equator. YEH She is my heroine. It makes me feel like I am on the boat with her. Glad she blogs as it gives me something to read. Love to all and stay safe and warm and may all your problems be little ones.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Moon Thursday
Good Thursday afternoon to all my pals and anyone else who happens upon my ramblings: Sorry for this being late, if I don't blog at breakfast time, I go off and before I know it the morning has turned to afternoon. Did a few errands, post office and Wally World and went down to the lake and walked on the dike. Need to get going earlier as it is too warm after 11 am. I know from some of you, you should be so lucky that the temps were too warm. lmao New Moon opens tomorrow but our theater is having a special showing at 11:30 pm tonight. We are contemplating it but I know I probably won't go out that late. I'll let you all know tomorrow. Okay got to go now more tomorrow. Love to all.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
And a very good morning to my faithful: I must have gotten up at 0 dark 30 this morning as I am so far ahead of myself that I don't know what to do with myself. lol I treadmilled and worked in the yard for an hour and it is still morning. Flo and Don left this am and are on their way home to Williamsport as you read. Will miss them til they get back. It was fun playing 500 and drinking fine wine. lol Okay, got to go now and get a shower. Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Great Day
And a glorious good morning to all: It is a simply wonderful day. We are sitting on the lanai and having our morning coffee. We are going to work in the yard today as my lawn trash cans are emptied on Monday and now I can fill them again. I know it sounds pretty mundane to most but what can I say. We are going for spaghetti with the gang tonight as Flo and Don are leaving tomorrow. Probably at 0 dark 30 if I know those crazy kids. We will say good bye tonight. lol Okay must cook breakfast and get busy. Love to all and hope all your problems are little ones.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good Monday Evening
Just a quick blog as it is still pretty quiet here. Went to lunch with Flo and the ladies from her park. Don worked on Romy's Satellite tv while we were gone. We watched for the shuttle as there was a launch but it was too cloudy to see it. But it went up okay as we watched it on tv. Hope everyone is safe and warm. Love to all
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Good Evening to My Pals
And a very good evening to all: Still quiet down here. Florence and Don are getting ready for their holiday trip home to Williamsport. They came over for dinner last night as I made stuffed peppers and baked an apple pie. We played some cards. Today we booked a cruise as our christmas present to each other. We are going on a 4 day cruise on the Disney Wonder December 13th. Then we went down to Flo's and worked on her neighbor's satellite television. I am the lovely assistant. lol We got it working as usual. Tomorrow I am going to lunch with the ladies. Okay enough for now. Love to all
Friday, November 13, 2009
Read Jessica's Blog
Ahoy To All the Faithful: Sorry for being so neglectful in my blogging but things are very quiet here and not really very interesting. Raking leaves and doing chores is hardly very exciting. But if you want a good read and are interested, read Jessica Watson's Blog. She is a 16 year old Australian girl who is sailing around the world. I find it mesmerizing and it brings out the adventurous side of me. She is trying to be the youngest person to do this. It is nice to live vicariously through someone else. Okay it is time to cook breakfast. Love to all More later
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Things are Quiet
Good Evening Things are quiet here and not much blogging material. We went out with Flo and Don last night for Spaghetti at the American Legion and went back to their house and played some 500. Yeh, we won a game. Today we went on a lake trip for Goodwills but it was a bust. They took the Clewiston one and put it in a new loaction and it is about 3 times bigger than the old one. It is overwhelming. Did not find anything good. Other problem was there was nothing I was looking for. Okay more tomorrow Love to all
Monday, November 9, 2009
Marvelous Monday
Good Afternoon to all the faithful: We are back on the path and walking on the dike as the weather is getting cooler. It has been a little windy though. I put my mini me back on the blog. The numbers still don't correspond but it does register and I can check it on the site. The blogs are pretty mundane now that we are home but I guess that will have to do. The Giants did it again. I think I am done with watching football. I get too aggravated with them. I think I'll watch tiddily winks. lol Donna, hope your knee is nothing serious. Brominator, hope you are feeling better. Love to all. Stay well and safe.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Saturday in Chobee
Good morning all: We are going walking on the dike after breakfast. Got to start prepping for 1/2 marathon and after that who knows. The skys the limit. Went to our community theater last night, it was good. It makes me wish I could sing. Oh well. Going to make oatmeal. Love to all
Friday, November 6, 2009
Good afternoon to all my pals and a special hello to Brominator. Hope you feel better. Sending you some virtual chicken soup. lol This morning we took the truck and pt cruiser for oil changes. Now I am puttering and tonight we are going to a play in town "Brigadoon" with Don and Flo. We played cards last night and boy were the cards lousy. lmao Got to make lunch love to all more exciting stuff to come.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 2 of Duct Work
Good Morning , it is day 2 of duct work. the young gentlemen are doing a great job. It should be just a few hours today. My Yankees won!!!!! YEH!!!!!!! Now if the Giants get their heads out of their a-- I will be happy. The weather here is just delightful. It was nice to have windows open last night. My plumeria has some more flowers on it. Usually they are losing their leaves now and looking like sticks. Life is good.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
New Duct Work
Good afternoon to all: Today we are getting our new duct work up in the attic installed. It is cloudy here and supposed to get a little more seasonal temperatures. Good day for the poor guys working in our attic. We put up my new metal sculptures on the wall. Not too much happening. Hope all my pals are safe and warm. Yankees play tonight. Hope they wrap it up in NY.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday Stuff
Good Evening All: I hate the time change as it is already dark down here and it is 0nly 6:30 pm. We went to went to Vero Beach and returned a few things and went to lunch at Olive Garden. Then we went to Sam's Club and then came home. Boy these blogs are pretty boring. Stay tuned I am sure something interesting will happen so. Love to all Hope the Yankees get it together tomorrow. Go Yankees!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
2 Days Worth
Good Afternoon to anyone who cares: Yesterday came and went before I knew what happened. Even though the time changed with an extra hour. The Giants suck. Racing sucks. But the Yankees don't suck. Florence and Don came over and we played some cards. Feel like I am getting a cold but I will fight it with everything I have. Today we did a few errands and now I am going to watch my soaps. I will get back on the stick with pictures Love to all
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