My girl has made it hard for me to go on this cruise as she is sleeping on the suitcases and it is too cute.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Should I Feel Guilty
My girl has made it hard for me to go on this cruise as she is sleeping on the suitcases and it is too cute.
What Happens When You Don't Have A Life
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: This blog is for those who did not get an e-mail about our adventures in living the pioneer spirit. Yesterday we we sitting in the living room watching Big Bang Theory when the phone rang. It was our neighbor Jacob. He said "I have a Pig for You" The pictures I hopefully will post will explain it all. So much like the Jeff Foxworthy "Red Necks" we replaced the transmission hanging in the tree with a wild pig. Don and Flo and Joe came over and bippity boppity boo, it was skinned and taken to the processsor. Okay enough for now. Who knows what us without a life will get into today so as usual love to all and you all know the drill.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
A Week From Today
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moI: It is a week til the cruise to Los Angeles begins. I am doing pretty well with the packing. D's suitcase is almost done and my stuff iis lined up. Still need to get my nails done and a hair cut. I will cut Mr.S's hair next week and put his mickeys in. Next Wednesday we will go to MCO and pick up our friends from California who are going on the cruise. Bob and Val are great people and we look forward to spending time with them. Okay I will try again as I lost my first blog in the black hole. I want everyone to have a wonderful New Year. As for New Year's resolutions, just look back at the previous year and if you feel there are areas that are lacking, just do the opposite of what you did and see if that works. Okay love to all and you konw the drill.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is very very cold down here and I don't like it. Mr. S has a touch of the flu but he feels a little better today than yesterday. Poor Oreo does not want to go out in the tundra. She goes out and stays there for 2 seconds and is back in. Good news is that it is going to warm up by the weekend. 9 days til the cruise. Cannot wait. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Night Before Christmas
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We just returnd from the Lakeside estate of Flo and Don. Lynn and Chris sent us all dinner from Omaha Steaks. We had the best steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. It was delicious. It is my wish to all to have a wonderful holiday and to live life to the fullest. Love to all and Merry Christmas. You know the drill.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas To All
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is the Christmas season and I want to dedicate this blog to wishes for a wonderful holiday season for all. It seems strange to be home this year to be home as we have been to Mike and Mary Beth's house for the last two years. Thanks for the wonderful times and wonderful memories. Florence and Don are here for Christmas and we are having dinner together both Christmas Eve (Thanks to Lynn and Chris and the Boys who sent us food for our holiday dinner) Thanks to them and give those two wonderful little guys a big hug and kiss from us. Christmas day we are having ham at our house with Don & Flo. Brominator I hope you have a wonderful holiday with Theresa and her kids. Remember don't get mad, get even!! lol To Teri, Ammanda and Dakoda, Merry Christmas from Pappy and me. We love you guys. To Tom and young Tom I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy. To everyone else, have a wonderful holiday season and remember the reason for the season. Love to all and you know the drill. I almost forgot, the thing I miss most is your lasagna Donna. Love to all of you.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Omaha or Bust
Monday, December 20, 2010
Quiet Weekend
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a quiet and uneventful weekend so there was not much to blog about. I put up my christmas lights and we played cards with Flo and Don. Sunday we ran over to the flea market for tomatoes and little plastic baggies for our vitamins for the cruise as I don't want to take all the bottles with us. Then we came home and watched the Giant Football game. At first I was ecstatic and then they fell apart. Going to close now as this blog seems lame even to me. lmao Love to all and hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful holiday season. You know the drill!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Firetruck Friday
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: I put up some lights in the windows for christmas. Tonight it is my favorite night in Chobee as the firetruck comes around the neighborhood with Santa Claus. They play music and wish folks "Merry Christmas". Enough for now and you know the drill. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's 500 Time Again

Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We went to Flo and Don's to play cards today and going to dinner at the Moose. I came home and started putting up the new lights I bought today at Walgreens. Less is more is my motto. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Found this neat picture of the Disney Dream in Germany covered with snow. Looks strange.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Home Again
Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: We are back from Don's colonoscopy and Endoscopy. All went well and I don't have to make him drink anything now. I can give him real food. Yeh!!! Going to start contemplating what to take on the cruise. Have the suitcases on the pool table and have our Disney Robes in it. I have my priorities. lol Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Good Morning
Good Morning again to all the faithful followers of moi: It is cooooooooooolllllllldddddddd here. 28 degrees brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr The sun is shining so it doesn't look so bad but I will not go outside until I absolutely have too. lmao We talked to our friend Butch in Ontario NY today and I would like anyone who reads this to keep him in their prayers and thoughts as he begins his journey to fight his ailment. Butch and Elaine, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and call if you need us. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Happy Holidays to All
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is an absolutely lousy cold grey day here. I don't like it. I think I will call the governor. Moved our bedroom furniture around, trying for some different vibes. Not much happening today so this will be short. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Parade
Good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: Last night was the christmas parade in downtown Okeechobee. It makes me proud to live in small town America. Flo and Don went with us. It was a beautiful night and not too cold. Pictures are posted.
Okay enough for now and love to all and you know the drill.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday in Okee
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Robbie and Elaine left this morning to go back to West Palm, it was nice to visit with them. It was a foggy morning to begin with but now it is sunny and 73 degrees. I am puttering around getting stuff back together. Don went for physical therapy for his bone spur. Life is good so far and we are awaiting our cruise. Love to all and you know the drill.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Furniture is in Pennsylvania
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Got a call from Edie and the furniture arrived in PA. That is a good thing. We spent the day goodwilling with Robbie and Elaine. We had a good time. Bought a few tops for the cruise. I am going to use 2 colors black and red. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. Love to all
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Move is Complete
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We have been finishing up the Marino House Move. Got everything packed and the movers came yesterday to take the stuff up to WPT. It was fun but am glad it is over. Robbie and Elaine came for a visit. It is so nice to see them. Florence and Don are back in Chobee now. Yeh, 500 here we come. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Go Giants
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Sorry that I missed Saturday. I puttered at home and we went to the Okeechobee Community Theater for "The Man with Bogart's Face". It was good but wish the chairs were more comfortable. Today I have been cleaning my house and doing some reorganizing. Life is good. We are going to St. Cloud tomorrow afternoon to finish up and await the movers. Okay got to go and do some more stuff. Love to all and you know the drill. I forgot to post the pick of Miss Oreo helping Don with his new DVR project.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday Fun
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today we went back up to St. Cloud and worked on finishing up the packing for the movers to pick up on Tuesday. Got it almost all done. Ran out of boxes and energy at the same time. Have probably about an hours worth of packing or 2 or 3 more boxes. Going to work on my hoise tomorrow. Robbie and Elaine are coming over next week for a visit. It will be nice to see them. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Ceiling Fan
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: We bought a new ceiling fan and today Mr. S put it up. Our old one's motor died. It is beeeeee-utiful. I love it. I talked to Brominator and he had a very nice lunch with his friend. I am so glad that he is happy and we had such a nice visit. He is getting ready for the winter plowing season, better him than me. Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Miss You Brominator
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Sorry for missing yesterday but I don't know where the time goes. We went down to the Lakeside Estate and did a little getting the house ready for Don & Flo. We drove to Pat's for an Okeeburger but they closed at 2 PM and it was 2;15 PM. Bummer!!! We had a wonderful visit and I was sorry to see that the week flew by so fast. We took him to the airport and on the way we stopped at Pat's for breakfast and he finally got his Okeeburger. After we dropped him off we went back to the Steven's Plantation and packed 15 boxes. More later love to all and you know the drill
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday Monday
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a nice day today as we went to Vero Beach to tbe outlet mall and Brominator found his sneakers that he cannot find in Rochester. I bought another pair of skechers. We went to Olive Garden for lunch and Sam's Club for a few things. Brominator and I played pool and he beat me. I am a better dart player. lmao Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday Afternoon
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today we went out to Jacob's dads land to shoot our shotgun and our pistols. I did well. Don, Brominator and Jacob shot also. Afterward we drove over to Jacob's parents house and OMG what a pool area they have. Looks like something out of Better Homes and Gardens. Simply beautiful. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. GO GIANTS!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sandbagging Sister
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Brominator's vacation is going nicely. He really is enjoying being able to relax. Our living room ceiling fan bit the dust and we went to Home Depot to look for a new one. Then Don decided to try and fix it somehow. Will post updates. We had left overs for lunch and I am about turkey-ed out. We are going to Cowboys for dinner tonight. Brominator and I played Darts and I won 2 games and he won 1. He says that I am a sandbagger. I really I am not. lol Okay enough for now and you all know the drill.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Day After
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We had a lovely Thanksgiving and as usual there was too much food. I even cut back on what I made so I wouldn't make too much. Oh well. Today we went out on our neighbor Jacob's boat for some fishing. I figured Brominator would like it. Now we are just vegging and watching football. Okay enough for now and you know the drill. Find something to be thankful for and hold it dear to your heart. Love and happy holidays to all
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Good Afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving to all and hope that all is well. My turkey is in the oven, the pumpkin and chocalate pie are done and life is good. Okay love to all and you know the drill. Debating with myself whether to eat out on the lanai or not. Have not decided yet. Don't hate me.. LMAO
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Brominator is here
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: We went to St Cloud and did some work and then Sam's and then to the airport at MCO to pick up Brominator. We are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope all of my friends and family have a wonderful turkey day and love to all. You know the drill.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Missed a Day
Good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: Yesterday we went to St. Cloud to get stuff out of the Stevens Plantation house and taking it to Jacob our wonderful neighbor who need the dining room set and washer and dryer. Tom and Edie are renting the houses as his election to Congress will make their coming to Disney as often not an easy thing and with the kids being busy with school. You never know how much you gather up until you move it. lol Brominator, I understand where you are coming from. Tomorrow my broiminator will be here for a visit. Looking forward to it. Today I am just puttering with stuff here and planning my next attack at the big house. lmao Love to all and you all know the drill.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Saturday Stuff
Good Morning to all the faithful followers of moi: The patio is finally finished for now. Ready for card playing. Soon Don & Flo will be here and let the games begin. lol Going grocery shopping now and buying some things for turkey day and some for every day. Brominator will be here Tuesday. Hoping for a restful vacation for him. Okay love to all and you know the drill.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Friday Frivolity
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is a beautiful day in paradise again today. We are going out in a while to do errands. I am still waiting for the patio rug to dry and will placwe my furniture around later today I hope. I went into start looking at the clothes to take for the cruise but stopped myself as it is much too early to start or I will have everything I own in my suitcases. lmao Miss Oreo has claimed her spot on the suitcases as I think she has KESP (Kitty Extrasensory Preception). Love to all and you know the drill.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's Anything Can Happen Thursday!
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: This morning we had a meeting with Sharon, our friend and financial advisor at Edward Jones. After we went out to breakfast at Pogey's. Now I am home waiting for the rug to dry on the patio. Then I can put the stuff back and all will be wonderful in paradise. Think I will attack my closet and start looking for outfits to wear on the cruise in January. A few days and Brominator will be here for Thanksgiving. Need to buy sage!! Okay love to all and you know the drill.
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