And a very good evening to all who read the ramblings of moi: Sadly we left Chris and Lynn's this afternoon and got on our way to do the caches we wanted in Mass., Maine, and New Hampshire. We were going to stay in Maine but I think everybody in the world was there and there was nothing for many many miles available. We were going to LL Bean but we had to head west so I guess I'll order online. lol We are in a Hampton Inn in Bow NH. Tomorrow we are going to stop and see our friend Carol in Keene NH. After that we are heading for Butch and Elaine's. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill. (I had to take a picture of this sign as I never thought about doing what it said. LMAO)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Bow NH
And a very good evening to all who read the ramblings of moi: Sadly we left Chris and Lynn's this afternoon and got on our way to do the caches we wanted in Mass., Maine, and New Hampshire. We were going to stay in Maine but I think everybody in the world was there and there was nothing for many many miles available. We were going to LL Bean but we had to head west so I guess I'll order online. lol We are in a Hampton Inn in Bow NH. Tomorrow we are going to stop and see our friend Carol in Keene NH. After that we are heading for Butch and Elaine's. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill. (I had to take a picture of this sign as I never thought about doing what it said. LMAO)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday in Road Island
Good evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: My first blog that I typed went off into LA LA land. We went to RI today and grabbed a couple of caches. One was in an old cemetery. The people died in 1888 and 1892. The cemetery was run down. How sad!! The next cache was at a dairy bar and we had to sample their ice cream. We spotted a Salvation Army Thrift store and the car cannot drive by. lol We went home and Chris,Lynn, the Boys and We went to Harry's Place for Lobster Rolls. Boy were they good. Tben we went to Scottie's for custard. What a day 2 ice creams and a Lobster roll in one day. Life is Good. Love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday Night at Chris & Lynn's House
Good Evening to all who read my stuff: We did not make it to Rhode Island today but we went somewhere much better. We woke up in Southington, CT and Lynn texted us and we went to their house. We had such a lovely day. Don and I really enjoyed spending time with "the Boys". They are the cutest kids. Michael was not feeling up to par due to his molars coming in but perked up after he took his medicine. Chris cooked steaks on the grill and I have never had such a good steak ever. It was cooked perfectly, he could give lessons to some of the professional cooks. Then we took a walk around their development. It is really nice here. Their house is beautiful. I WANT THEIR BATHROOM!!!!! Then we came back and gave the boys baths. I am listening to them talking via their monitor. I love baby talk. We are going to use here as our base of operation. We will do RHode Island, Mass. and who knows what else tomorrow. We are going to Mystic this weekend. Okay will post more tomorrow as we do more. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Evening in Connecticut
Good Evening to all who read the ramblings of moi: This morning we left WPT and got started on our New England Trip. We did not stop at Lynn's as one of the boys is sick and we will check later in the week to see what's happening. Tomorrow we are going to Rhode Island. We did a few caches in rest areas and one outside of our hotel. Keep reading for more updates. Love to all and you all know the drill I got a chance to help stuff envelopes to help Tom Marino in his quest for running for Congress. Kitty is Chloe's cat named Danny. I miss my girl
Monday, July 26, 2010
Beautiful Day in Williamsport
Good Monday Morning to all who care what I am doing: We went to the Piper Museum with Tom yesterday. It rained on and off. We have had a nice visit. Tom is flying back today. Our further plans are up in the air yet. We found a foreign Good Will in Lock Haven. Got Mr. S and new bow tie and cumberbund for $.42. lol Okay will post more later. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Up Up and Away
Good Saturday Afternoon to anyone who cares: We just got back from the airport with Tom. I finally did it. I went for a plane ride. We flew up over Tom and Edie's house. It was really nice. Tom passed my test and got me back on the ground. Kudos to Tommy. Thank You for putting up with me. Tomorrow we are going to the Piper Museum. Love to all and you know the drill
Friday, July 23, 2010
Good Afternoon
Good afternoon: We are here and coming up on the train was the greatest thing we could have done. It was a great experience. No muss No Fuss. Wr are at Flo's and kind of vegging today. We are going out for dinner tonight with Rand and Lori. Tomorrow weather permitting Tom is flying up. Will post more as we go. Love to all and as usual you know the drill.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Pretty Soon
Good Afternoon to all of the faithful: One more day and we will be on our adventure to the North and New England. Got my nails done today and got my hair cut. Tomorrow I will tie up the lose ends. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Lake Placid
Good Morning to all of the faithful: We had a lovely day over at Jacob's parents house on Lake June. We took a nice boat ride and Don rode the Jet Ski's with Jacob. We went toSchooni's for pizza with the group and had a wonderdul time. That is the only way to have a boat is to have it right at your back door and just be able to get on it and go. None of this trailering, put it in the water, and then taking it out and trailering it home. :( Am going to cut Mr. S's hair today and give the house a once over. Getting excited about the trip. Okay have to do the WII and get the day going. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Sunny Saturday
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: We are going to Lake Placid today to see Jacob's parent new beach house. After which we will probably stop at Schooni's for a Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. :) Not too much happening here. Just getting ready for the trip up north next week. Okay got to go WII, need to find out how old I am. Love to all and as usual, you know the drill.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday in the Hood
Good Afternoon to all who find my life worthy of reading: My shoulder feels pretty good today except where the shot went in. When that goes away it will be wonderful. Thank you Dr. S. I am about to start packing for our trip. Got crafty last night and started making candles to bring up north for gifts. There's a little Martha Stewart in all of us. Okay need to make lunch for Mr. S. Love to all and you know the drill. DW can't wait to play 500!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to Flo tomorrow. Just thought I would write it so I don't forget.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Back from Dr's Office
Good afternoon to all of the faithful: Just got back from Dr. Slutsky's office. He says that I have bursitis and he gave me a shot of cortisone. He says that I was in his office 5 years ago for the same thing but I don't remember that. It seems to have helped but Dr. said it would take a couple of days to kick in. It feels a little better right now. A week from today we will be on the auto-train. Okay enough for now I am going to watch soaps. Love to all and you know the drill.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Many Apologies
Good Afternoon to all of my followers: It has been extremely quiet down here. Just waiting to go on our big adventure on the auto train. We have been doing a few caches and we are going out now to do a couple more. Will post more later. I am going to the Orthopedic Dr Wednesday for I hope a shot of cortizone, for my shoulder. Love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Good Evening to all: We went and saw the Twilight Saga: Eclipse movie today and it was good. I really enjoyed it. We went to lunch at TGIF and I did a little shopping. Two weeks from today we will be on the auro-train. Cannot wait. Not much more happening here so more tomorrow. Love to all and as usual you know the drill.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Another Cloudy Day in Paradise
Good Evening to all of the faithful: First and foremost I want to thank Donna (my wonderful daughter-in-law) for the virtual tulips on Facebook. I love them. Miss Oreo is staying close to home today after her adventure yesterday. We are going to the movies at Vero Beach tomorrow to see "Twilight Saga: Eclipse and go to late lunch at TGIF. Rented the first two movies to remember what happened. Can't wait. Okay going to cook dinner. Love to all and as usual you knoe the drill.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Rainy Days
Good Evening to all of the faithful: Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. It was quiet here and rainy. It poured again this afternoon. Miss Oreo decided to scare me today. She went out wandering this afternoon and did not come in as usual. Titus came to mow the lawn so I figured she would come in but she was nowhere to be found. I must have opened and closed the front door at least a hundred times. I was getting frightened. Then I went out back to check how much water was leaking and I heard her meow and she came running in. I was relieved. I'd really miss her if something happened to her. She was wet and probably got caught under something until it let up. She is such a little character. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
4th of July Weekend
Good Morning to all of the faithful: It is 4th of July Weekend. Hope everyone is happy and healthy and enjoying this holiday. It is quiet here and cloudy. Probably going to rain. Thunderstorms pop up every afternoon but after all it is rainy season. The nice thing is that it is cooler. Maybe I will work on my mulch project this morning. I have a day off from my exercising. yeh!! Will probably play a little on the WII fit. Again Love to all and have a wonderful 4th of July. You know the drill. Need I say more.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Afternoon Again
Well as always happens the morning goes so quickly and before I know it, it is afternoon. We went out caching and had 4 FTF (First To Finds) Wow!! I am getting almost as good as our friend BIRDDOG Waltz. LOL As I have said before, I enjoy caching because it takes me to places that I normally do not go. Need to do my exercise as we went to breakfast at the airport and then caching. I did not have my camera and I am really unhappy. The president of Brazil's GulfStream V was on the ground at the Okeechobee Airport with its engines off as it was being overhauled. It was a very cool plane. It is black and chrome. Very sharp. Hope to get back before it goes away and get a picture. Okay got to go make lunch and as usual love to all and you know the drill.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday Stuff
Good Afternoon to all: We went and got water this am and went to the grocery store for a few items. I am going to make Strawberry-Mint Soup for dinner. We had it on the cruise ship and it was good. Mint is hard to find. Think I will plant some. Need to check Home Depot for a plant. It was bright and sunny this am and I snapped this pic of Miss Oreo who was sunbathing. Happy First of July!! Love to all and as usual you know the drill. Don snapped a pic of me blogging. lol
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