Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Did not blog yesterday as I was busy. Doing what exactly I cannot tell you. We played cards with Don & Flo and had a couple of cold ones. I am trying a taste test between Miller Chill and Bud Lite Lime. Right now I know that I favor Bud Lite Lime. lol Today I went grocery shopping and we are going out to dinner with Don & Flo. Signing up for the 2010 1/2 Marathon after I finish my blog. Love to all who live in the Frozen Tundra.

1 comment:

Keiko said...

I had to get a heavy fur lined parka for Katie because the wind chills in Chicago tomorrow are going to be -35 degrees. Can you imagine such temps??? She said that her and her room mates are eating freashly toasted pop tarts in the Hello Kitty toaster!