Sunday, January 4, 2009


Good Morning all: Hope everyone is well and happy. Getting Operation E-L-E-M in full swing. (EAT LESS EXERCISE MORE) Found an exercise dvd (HIP HOP) I forgot I had and did the Body Jam part this am. It was fun and I worked up a sweat. Made a pact that if I don't lose 5 lbs before the cruise Jan 24, I am going to forego dessert at dinner. That doesn't seem like it should be too hard. Going to watch the Miami Dolphin-Ravens game. Hope it is not too hot for them as the temps are 80 degrees and sunny. No geo-caching planned today. Got to start thinking about cruise packing and buying. Going to go to the mall about a week beofre the cruise and buy some essentials. Trying the 2 color approach. I'll see how that works. I usually take too much junk with me. Love to all my family and pals. Stay warm if you are in the cold grey north. We placed Florida Fran(as seen in pic)
in a cache in the Florida warmth. She is on her journey again.

1 comment:

Keiko said...

Good Job on the workout! My iPod/Nike+ froze up after the sensor slipped in my shoe! I ordered a strap for it, but I hope I didn't hurt the thing. I am going to try a Tai Chi DVD I found later tonight. I also registered for a 5 mile race on Valentine's Day for motivation.