Thursday, January 22, 2009

Global Warming my A--!!!

It is down right cold down here. 30 degrees this am. I am calling the governor today and complain. This is not what we live in Florida for. LOL It is almost cruise time. I am almost finished with the packing. I am going to do the hanging bags either this afternoon or tomorrow am. Talked to Robbie and Elaine this am, they are excited too. Don is going to get a hair cut today and I will put his mickeys in this afternoon. Pics to follow. More later


beth said...

YAY!!!! Congrats! I'm sorry we had to miss this one but looking forward to March. We had snow the other day and was in the 20s in Tuesday, and Majic and I played in the snow on Wed too.

Keiko said...

It was 80 degrees here yesterday... BUT WAIT!!! As Billy Mays says... today the high is 50 and tomorrow it will be 30. What the heck? Hope you have gorgeous weather on your cruise Gail!