Sunday, August 23, 2009

To Do or Not to Do

Good Morning, World: I am sitting here on the lanai pondering over what to do today. Don't know why but it is so hard to do nothing. My mind is always on the search for projects, be they big or be they little. I can't just say, "Think I'll curl up with my book and read." No, I have to say what room can I tear apart and put back together or what flower bed can I weed. I guess it is the fact that the sun always shines and gives me inspiration. OMG,I sound like a self help guru. OH WELL, LIFE IS GOOD AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. SO THERE!!! LOL Okay, enough soul searching. Time to make the most important meal of the day. To all my pals and family, have a wonderful day and whatever you do, ENJOY!!!!! Love to all

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