Sunday, September 19, 2010

Football/Nascar Sunday

Good Morning to all the faithful followers of my life: It is absolutely beautiful here today, at least right now. It is warm but by degree I can feel that it is a little cooler. I received a very nice e-mail fro my good friend Ruby yesterday and I usually don't forward e-mails but this one was one I could not help myself. For all of those that I sent it to, hope you ponder it as I did. I have always been of the belief that things happen as theyare meant to. We don't often understand it but there is something greater than us. T0 all of those I sent it to, think about it the next time you are in line at the bank and it is not moving, feel good about it because there is a greater purpose. Okay enough of my rambling for now, gtg and WII. Love to all and you know the drill.

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