Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 of a Great Year

Thanks for giving me something that is worthwhile reading in the morning. I do my jumble puzzle and then read blogs. Far better than all the crap you read in the paper. Miss Oreo is out for her 4th time this morning. I think it is a game we play. She comes in, gets a bite and then goes out again. This goes on many times in the am and then she finally settles down for her morning snooze. Finishing up my morning coffee, watching Millionaire and then going to do my new yoga dvd. Want to invest 20 minutes in the hope that I can increase my lifespan as I have much more living to do. Might do some caching with Don and Flo later. Time to go twist my body into a pretzel. Isn't that a pretty picture!!! lol

1 comment:

Keiko said...

I love those pics from the caching at the lake! I took my camera out yesterday, but didn't take any pics. I'll get used to having it so convenient. I started doing the Dancing with the Stars workout and discovered i have NO rhythm! Biggest Loser has one that I might try. I also have a yoga one i shoudl break out and attempt.