Good Evening to all: We went to the Buckhead Ridge catfish festival today with Don and Flo. Nice festival, had a catfish dinner and music from some local folks. Bought a few chances on a basket offered by the Humane Society and won the Movie Basket. It has 10 dollars worth of blockbuster gifts cards and candy, popcorn and chips and salsa. Going to hold off on the stuff til after the cruise. We really feelbad for all the folks experiencing such crappy weather. Anyone who is please stay safe and warm and bake brownies. Must stop thinking of brownies. lol Love to all.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday in Chobee
Good Evening to all: We went to the Buckhead Ridge catfish festival today with Don and Flo. Nice festival, had a catfish dinner and music from some local folks. Bought a few chances on a basket offered by the Humane Society and won the Movie Basket. It has 10 dollars worth of blockbuster gifts cards and candy, popcorn and chips and salsa. Going to hold off on the stuff til after the cruise. We really feelbad for all the folks experiencing such crappy weather. Anyone who is please stay safe and warm and bake brownies. Must stop thinking of brownies. lol Love to all.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday Frivolity
Good Morning all: Not really much happening here in beautiful Okeechobee. I am in the throes of getting ready mentally and really for the cruise on 2/6/10. You'd think I would have it down to a science by now but I always go through the horrors of what clothes to bring. I have a really tough life. lol The weather here is still a little too cool for my liking but it is better than what is happening around the country. To all family and friends who are experiencing this, please stay SAFE and warm. Today I am going to Home Depot and Goodwill. Don is working on a shut off for the jacuzzi so he won't have to shut off the hot thing (my stove) lol when we change the water. And at Goodwill, I never know what treasures I will find there. Okay time for breakfast. Just thougt I would blog before the day is gone and I haven't blogged. I love you all.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
5 Numbers
Good Morning to all: I have been negligent in blogging as I have been busy. Sunday, I did what I always do at the end of a month for my lottery tickets. I check each set on the computer so that when I turn my ticket in, I will know what I have won. The lotto numbers have not been doing much lately so I did not hold much hope. I got to my second set of numbers and low and behold, we had 5 numbers. It is not enough to really change my life or any one else for that matter but I am still excited. But it gives me reason to hold out hope that someday I will hit a big one. We went to the district office in Orlando yesterday with Don & Flo. I am so glad they are in FLA. After getting the check and promptly depositing it. We went to OLIVE GARDEN and SAM'S CLUB. Boy do I live an blessed life. Okay enough stuff from me, going to watch IMUS. Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thought for the Day
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Today's Frivolity
Good Afternoon to all the faithful: Did some room changing around yesterday as well a shopping for groceries so I did not blog. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused anyone. Today we took our body test on the WII and did some training. I am getting pretty good at this stuff if I must say so myself. Of course having the balance board facing the right way helps immensely. Also am using the driving range and hitting left handed. It feels natural. I think I was meant to be a left handed person but back in the day they changed the pencil from the left to the right. No wonder I am backwards. lmao. Okay got to go and check on Don who is drilling under the jacuzzi. Love to all Stay safe and warm.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday Stuff
Good Morning to all: We are going to LaBelle today to visit Butch and Elaine. Need a break from my yardwork. It is looking beautiful if I say so myself. So this blog is short as I need to cook breakfast and get going. Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunny January 20th
Good Afternoon to all: Got busy puttering and before I knew it the day was gone and I had not blogged yet. What are you doing on January 20th, see my photos for what we were doing. Tomorrow we are going down to LaBelle and visit Butch & Elaine. We got the ripped screen repaired today. One projet at a time. Okay Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Cleaning the Patio and Carport Day 2
Good afternoon to all: Sorry that I am late with this blog as I was finishing up my patio cleaning project. Every once and a while we have to do a full scale cleaning. But it is all wothwhile when it is done. Not really much to write about so more tomorrow. Love to all and stay warm.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Cleaning the Patio and Carport
Good Evening to all: Sorry for the lateness of the blog as I was puttering today. It all started out with my wanting to pressure wash the screen leading out to the carport as I got sick of looking at the dirt. Well it is all part of the plan because when you do one thing you must do something else and on and on. Well then I had to clean the car port of the leaves. Once that was done I pressure washed the concrete. Don and Flo called and said they were coming over to do some laundry and play cards. Well there is always time for 500 so I took a break. After a few games of cards, they left and I sat down and had a cup of hot cocoa and watched my soaps. Once they were over I got back to work. I am a tough boss on myself. Tomorrow after I get my nails done, I will work on cleaning (pressure washing) the patio. Well enough of the thrilling life of me. Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Finally it is a warm Sunday
Good aftrnoon to all who read the ramblings of me: It is finally warm and feels like Florida weather. YEH We did our wii this morning and it is amazing how much better it works with the board placed correctly. Nothin like being dumb and showing it!! Tom got his 30th cache today. Atta Boy!! Okay got to watch the Cowboys get their a--es beat!! Love to all and stay safe and warm. Flo and Don hope you feel better soon. Sun and anti-biotics do wonders. See ya soon.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Addendum to Tom's Visit
Good Morning to all: I was reminded that I forgot to mention that Tom braved the bad weather and PARK HOPPED the day of the 1/2 Marathon. He did all four parks in one day. He is my hero for his stick-to-it-ness. As he posted I hung in pretty well but he did it all. I'm proud of you, son. Did my wii this morning. I am still trying to overcome being unbalanced but I think I found out part of thd problem is that I had the board placed wrong on the floor. No wonder I was back-a--wards. Just been puttering around the last few days. Organizing and reorganizing. The big thing is I am trying to de-clutter. Flo and Don are back but Flo has bronchitis. I figure in a few days we will play cards. Wanted to give her a chance to feel better. As always love to all and please stay safe and warm.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday Frivolity
Good Morning to all: This week has flown by but it is really getting nice again. Yeh!!! Yesterday we wiied. I did 30 minutes and it is really easy to do as you feel like you are playing a game. I am still not balanced but I can hoola-hoop like crazy. lol We put the shelf together for our food stash in the back room. I finally got a picture of Miss Oreo's friend. I say friend as she did not beat this kitty up. I don't know where this cat comes from but it comes around at night. Okay must watch cash cab and make breakfast. Love to all and stay safe and warm.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Good Morning to all: OMG I am shocked at myself that I hadn't blogged in 2 days. Twenty lashes with a wet noodle. lol We went up to St Cloud yesterday as there was a leak in the Stevens House. Luckily it was just a connection that had loosened up. Don thinks it was the cold weather that allowed it to happen. Did a little more shopping at Sam's and went to the craft store and bought a shadow box for our recent medals for the 1/2 Marathon. Will post pictures later as we are waiting for the picture to come. Going to start back on the wii. It is warming up a little here. At least Miss Oreo can go out with out too much trouble. If you want to look at the photos on the internet you can go to and enter the bib numbers. Don is 49563 and I am 49562 Love to all Stay safe and warm.
Monday, January 11, 2010
People Are Crazy
And a very very good morning to all my pals: On a lark, I just checked E-Bay to see if anyone was selling their 1/2 Marathon medals and lo and behold they are. I cannot believe it. We worked too hard for them and a million dollars would not be enough. As the title of my blog say, PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. It is going to be the coldest day here today. Oh Joy Oh Joy. Not much happening here as it is too cold to move. Okay time for breakfast. Love to all and as always stay safe and warm.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Home Again
Good Evening to All: We are finally home from the 1/2 Marathon. It is still cold but at least the sun shined today. We checked out of the hotel and went to breakfast with Tom. After breakfast we did a few caches in Celebration Fla. About 3 pm we dropped Tom off at the airport and drove home. Miss Oreo is glad we are home. Mona (her first person) had to convince her to go over there as oit was too cold for her. Glad I am home because it looks like tonight will be the coldest. 25
YUCKY At least I won't have to worry about her. Robbie and Elaine are sick so they are not coming for a few days. Flo and Don get the auto train tomorrow and will be here Tuesday. Claire I will call you tomorrow about the wii. There is no place like home
Saturday, January 9, 2010
We Got Our Medals
Good Evening to all: Well we did it! We got our medals for the Disney 1/2 Marathon. Tom came in last night and we went out for dinner at Chevy's. They had Mole Enchiladas not as good as the ones in Kingman but okay. Also we had a coconut and pineapple margarita. Now that was yummy. lol We went to bed about 11 PM and had to get up by 3:30 to be able to get to the Epcot Parking lot by 4 am as they were closing the roads into Epcot and wwe wanted to drive our truck. I must admit that I was not my most pleasant self at 3:30 am. We got up and made coffee as I brought my coffee pot and beans. I have to say that it was very very very cold and it was raining and there was some ice chips hitting our faces. We stopped and got blankets from a first aid tent because even with three layers of clothing we were cold. I did not think it would ever be done but we crossed the start line and crossed the finish line so I guess one would have to say we did it. Afterwards we went back to our hotel and took hot showers and went to a couple of parks with Tom. About 5 PM we decided we could not go any longer so we let Tom finish seeing the parks on his own as he wanted to see the fireworks and we wanted to see our bed. lol We are vegging and watching a little football. Tomorrow we will check out and try to do a couple of caches with Tom and then take him to the airport and the it is homeward bound to Okeechobee. YEH Okay as usual love to all and stay safe and warm.
Friday, January 8, 2010
A Little Warmer
Good Morning: It is a litle warmer here but it is supposed to get cold again. Oh Ye! Today we are going to Orlando for the 1/2 Marathon. Tom is flying in this afternoon. We are going to do some caching and the parks after we finish the walk. Hope all are safe and warm and my love goes out to all.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Frozen Thursday
And a very good morning to all especially DW: Sorry that I didn't post a blog yesterday as I am very very cold. I would call the governor but he's probably frozen too. We are looking forward to DW and Flo getting back to FLA USA. 500 games await. Am going to pack for our trip to Orlando and the 1/2 marathon. It is supposed to warm up today and then get cold again. They are calling for rain and cold for saturday. For Joy For Joy. Hopefully with Don and Flo getting back the warm weather will come back too Love to all my faithful and please oh please stay safe and warm. I am worried about my girl but Mona will take over and keep her safe and warm. Donna, we are thinking about you.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Frozen Tuesday
Good Evening All: We went down to LaBelle to visit Butch & Elaine. Went to Hungry Howie's for pizza. It is still cold here and is going to be for too long. Donna, our thoughts are with you. We love you and stay strong. Everyone stay safe and warm and love to all.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Good Morning: It is cold here again. It is supposed to hang in here until Thursday. I am so sick of the cold. I want to clean the patio and finish my bamboo project but it needs to be mucho warmer than 30. lol Brominator, hope you got all your snow plowed. That picture was what reminds me why we don't live in the cold grey north. Quiet day here, finally it is Monday. Too many Sundays during holidays. Well there is always next year for the GIANTS. We might go down to LaBelle to see Butch and Elaine. Okay time for Breakfast. I'm thinking OATMEAL. Love to all and as usual stay safe and warm.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Good Evening to My Pals
Good Evening: It is very very cold here. I know some of you would say I am crazy but your frame of reference really changes when you live in Florida. Don and I did Wii Fit Plus this morning. It was fun and made the time go fast. I found out just how unbalanced I am. lol Hope every body is safe and warm. Next I need to get on the treadmill and do a couple of miles. Probably tomorrow will try a 5k on treadmill. Miss Oreo is cuddled up on my pillow as she doesn't like the weather any more than we do. Robbie and Elaine are coming Saturday while we are at the marathon. It will be nice to see them. Love to all
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2nd day of 2010
Good Afternoon to all: First and foremost I want to extend my sympathy to Donna, Beth, A.J., and Katie for the loss of their mother and grandmother. Our thoughts and prayers are there for you. My cold is a lot better as I treadmilled and used the Wii fit plus. Need to practice with that puppy. Just sitting down to watch football. The Gators won!!! Go Tebow!!! Okay enough for now as I want to try some of the hot chocalate I got for xmas. Love to all and stay warm and safe as that is what I am doing as it is coooooooold here today. It is supposed to hang out for a while. Oh Joy.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
Good Morning All: It is the first day of 2010 and my first blog for the new year. I want to send all who read this much love and happiness. For those who have problems and strife, let them make you stronger and know that our thoughts are with you. Going to make the normal sauerkraut and pork for the New Year's Day Supper. And hopefully watch Penn State play football. It is a little rainy here and cloudy but not too chilly. I guess that it is coming though. Still have a bit of my cold but feeling better. Next week is the 1/2 Marathon. I wish I could say I am looking forward to it but I will do the best I can. Okay enough for now Love to all Brominator Happy New Year to you.
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