And a very good afternoon to all who choose to follow my exploits: I am ahead of the game as they say as I have Don's Hair cut and his mickeys in. I went up and got a pedicure and a fill so my hands and feet are beautiful. LOL Now I am running a load of wash for Mr. T and relaxing. Our suitcases are all packed and just need to pack an over night bag for tomorrow when we go meet Jim for wine. We are going to stay at Tom & Edie's in St. Cloud and then go to the airport and pick up Tom. Then we will come home and go back to the Orlando Airport to see Val & Bob who are going home from the repositioning Mediterranean Cruise on the Magic and we want to meet them as they will be sailing with us on the 15 night Panama Canal repositioning cruise in January. They are as baad as we are. lol Okay time for a nap and as always love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ahead of the Game
And a very good afternoon to all who choose to follow my exploits: I am ahead of the game as they say as I have Don's Hair cut and his mickeys in. I went up and got a pedicure and a fill so my hands and feet are beautiful. LOL Now I am running a load of wash for Mr. T and relaxing. Our suitcases are all packed and just need to pack an over night bag for tomorrow when we go meet Jim for wine. We are going to stay at Tom & Edie's in St. Cloud and then go to the airport and pick up Tom. Then we will come home and go back to the Orlando Airport to see Val & Bob who are going home from the repositioning Mediterranean Cruise on the Magic and we want to meet them as they will be sailing with us on the 15 night Panama Canal repositioning cruise in January. They are as baad as we are. lol Okay time for a nap and as always love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I need to do better!!
Good Morning to all of the faithful: I don't know where the time goes but I need to do better at my blogging. I am almost done with my prepping for the cruise. Yeh Wednesday I am getting my nails done and I will cut Don's hair and put his mickeys in. Thursday we are going up to Orlando and meet with Jim Urry (our good friend from DCL) for a glass of wine in Celebration. Friday we pick Tom up at the airport for the cruise. We had some good luck. Tom was looking at the cruise site and noticed that they were offering our 15 night Panama Canal Cruise at Florida resident rates. When we booked it was regular rate. We called and talked to Carlos at DCL and changed our cruise to the Florida resident rate and saved mucho bucks and moved up two categories in the room. As I always say "who has it better than me!" Okay enough for now. Got to see how old I am. LOL Love to all and you know the drill
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday in Okeechobee
And a very good afternoon to all of the faithful followers of moi: I feel that my blogs lately have been lackluster and for those of you who follow me I am sorry. It has been quiet here and I guess that is a good thing. I am more than annoyed with Nascar. My driver who is Clint Boyer fought his way up in the points to make the chase and the lousy rotten sob's in Nascar found his car to be 1/16 of an inch off after the race he won. I cannot believe that they took 150 points away fro him and now he is back in 12th place. I wtote a nasty letter to Nascar and told them what I think in nice terms. I am boycotting Nascar until they rescind this unbelievable punishment. Now I'll watch old movies on HULU. I have been weatching old 1940-1950 movies and just loving them. I like to look at the clothes. Talked to Flo yesterday and cannot wait for she and Don to be here and play cards. They are coming in December. After our cruise, we are going up to Tennessee to visit with Teri and the Kids. We have not been up to see her new place yet, it is about time. Okay got to go now,dryer is crying. lol Love to all and you all know the drill.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Happy Friday
Good Morning to all of the faithful: OMG, it has been kind of a busy week and it is Friday again. I cannot believe it. We went to Disney and had a nice time. I am going to start packing for the cruise today. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday Stuff
Good Evening to all of the faithful: We went on an adventure today to Goodwill in Clewiston. It was very discouraging. We had lunch at the Popeye's in Clewiston. Love Chicken. Still not a lot happening here. Almost ready to get in gear for the cruise. Brominator got his apartment and I am so happy for him. Okay enough for now. More tomorrow. Love to all and you all know th4 drill. Oh in case I don't blog tomorrow, we are going to Disney and will fill you all in later.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Football/Nascar Sunday
Good Morning to all the faithful followers of my life: It is absolutely beautiful here today, at least right now. It is warm but by degree I can feel that it is a little cooler. I received a very nice e-mail fro my good friend Ruby yesterday and I usually don't forward e-mails but this one was one I could not help myself. For all of those that I sent it to, hope you ponder it as I did. I have always been of the belief that things happen as theyare meant to. We don't often understand it but there is something greater than us. T0 all of those I sent it to, think about it the next time you are in line at the bank and it is not moving, feel good about it because there is a greater purpose. Okay enough of my rambling for now, gtg and WII. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday Evening in Okee
Good Evening to all of the faithful: I am sorry that this is so late but if I don't blog first thing before breakfast. I ordered through E-Bay new shirts for Tom and Don to wear on the cruise. Shirts like Charlie on 2 1/2 Men wears. I am going to wear my red dress. A couple of weeks and we will be on our cruise. Okay enough for now. Love to all and you know the drill.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Nothing Happens on Friday
And a very good morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It is a lovely day in paradise. We are just ending up our coffee on the lanai. We had our Philly Cheese Steak Pizza and WII bowled. Life is good. Need to start thinking about what to take for cruise. Oh such problems. LOL Okay gtg now and you know the drill. Imus is over and it is time to Wii. Love to all.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Any Thing Can Happen Thursday II
Good Afternoon to all who follow my ramblings: It is a lovely day in paradise. We had an early Dr appt for Mr. S and all is well. Donna, meant to tell you I ate the veggies in my stew, not Bambi. LOL I want to let you all know that we found a new drink that is to die for. "Disarrano and Cranberry Juice" Need to get some more when we go on cruise. It is quiet down here and we like it this way during Hurricane season. LMAO Okay got to go. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tuesday in Chobee
Good Morning to all of the faithful followers of moi: It has been quite nice down here. It rains every day but after all it is rainy season. I have been trying to get out front weeded and the bushes cut but I wait too long and it gets too warm. It is getting cooler here by a few degrees. Need to start planning what I am taking on the cruise. Got my hair cut and nails done yesterday and will get them done the last week of the month before the cruise. Okay need to WII and get breakfast. Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Venison Stew in Crock Pot
Good Morning to all who follow the interesting life I call mine: First before anything, I would like anyone who cares to, to take a moment and remember those families who lost loved ones on 9-11. This is a date that shall live on forever. Now on to some other stuff. My stew is in the crock pot. Tomorrow I will post a review of the taste. lol Okay love to all and you all know the drill.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunny and Cloudy
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Any Thing Can Happen Thursday
Good Afternoon to all who follow moi: Today is "Anything Can Happen Thursday". You must watch Big Bang Theory to understand this. Not much happening here today so this will be short and sweet. Love to all and you know the drill.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday in Chobee
Good Evening to all of the faithful followers of moi: Today we finished dressing the deer meat that Jacob our neighbor brought over to us. I feel like a real pioneer. Tomorrow is "Anything Can Happen Thursday" We decided to have a Philly Cheese Steak Pizza from Dominos and do WII bowling. You have to watch "Big Bang Theory" to understand it. lol Well time to end for now and more tomorrow. Love to all and you know the drill.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Life is Still Good
Good morning to all who follow me: I am posting this from my computer and she is running well. She feels smoother if that is a good description. We had a wonderful day yesterday. We had success in all of our endeavors. I found a new black outfit for the cruise at GoodWill. Love it!! It rained here again yesterday but today is sunny and bright. Okay enough for now. Got to see how old I am. LMAO Love to all and you know the drill.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day
Good morning to all of the faithful who follow me: Last night we went to the KOA for a show. It was very funny. There was a great turnout for this time of year. We need more things like this in Okee. This morning we went to the Labor Day Parade. It was nice but too short in comparison to the Xmas Parade. Now we are home and in about an hour we are going over to Vero Beach to pick up my computer from the hospital. She needed a new hard drive and we are getting the operating system 7 loaded as we did not download my recovery discs and by the time we got them from Microsoft and then got them back to Best Buy, it was not worth the time and energy. It will be like having a new computer. After we pick her up, we are going to Sam's for Coffee beans and going for lunch at Olive Garden. After Olive Garden, we are going to GoodWill. Love to all and as always you know the drill. Have a wonderful day, I know I am.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Happy Sunday
Good afternoon to all of the faithful: We went up to the Labor Day festival in the park uptown. It was smaller this year. I was looking for somwthing specifically but did not find it. Back to the drawing board. Tonight we are going to the KOA for the Michael Winslow show and spaghetti dinner. Still no word on my puter's condition. Must be the holiday weekend. We are going to cut the venison into steaks tomorrow. Oh boy!!!! Okay going to make some tea and work on my puzzle. lol Love to all and you know the drill.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Labor Day Weekend

Good morning to all of the faithful: Hope everyone is starting out the weekend doing something they enjoy. We took my computer over to the "The Geek Squad" at Best Buy. My puter is in the hospital for tests and we do not know anything yet. After about a 1/2 hour on the phone with Net 10, my new phone has its minutes and all is well with the world of telephones. All my contacts are transferred and ready for me to call whenever. Jacob our neighbor went hunting on his father's property and got a deer. Now we are learning how to butcher venison. Next thing I will have to learn to cook it. You cannot say that we lead an unexciting life. Okay enogh for now. You all know the drill. Love to all Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday in Chobee
Good morning to all of the faithful: My computer is pitching a fit now. First the phone and now the computer. What other electronics should I not touch? LMAO We are probably going to Best Buy tomorrow to the Geek Squad to have them look at it but I find it hard to believe that my husband cannot figure it out before they do. The only thing is if we have to load a new operating system in it, he wants it to be prefessionally installed. This way we have someone to go back too. Although I find it hard to believe anyone is a smart as he is. Not much else is happening here. Oh yes we booked a cruise for October. At first we were going to try to get it for my b-day, then Mr. S got antsy and decided we needed to strike while the iron was hot and there was a Florida resident available. So we are going Oct 3. Also our friend Ray the cruise director is on and we want to see him. So now I have decided that I am celebrating my B-day the whole month of October, not just one day. LOL Okay enough for now and you all know the drill. Love to all.
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