Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lanai Upgrade Day 1

Good Afternoon All my beloved readers: It is day one of lanai upgrade. Being the person I am I can't do anything half a--ed!!! I am in the process of cleaning the lanai fromtop to bottom. It is going to be spectacular. Jacob is so happy with the old bar you'd think I really gave him something. He said he has always wanted it. Now he has it. We are going out to Cowboy's for dinner. ELEM will wait one more day. LMAO Don is cleaning the pool filter. Okay go to go get busy. Stay tuned for further updates on my lunacy. Love to all

1 comment:

Keiko said...

Now we need to make a trip to 'Chobee to see the finished product! I wanted to ask you to send good thoughts to Katie. She is in the hospital with an ulcerated cornea. She is in a lot of pain and they are hoping it doesn't rupture. She has good doctors though.