Friday, July 3, 2009

Watkins Glen Day 2

Good Morning to my fan(s) It is another cloudy, cold day in the cold grey north. This area never lets me down or makes me wish I still lived here. Give me Florida Some things are supposed to happen here but not exactly sure what. I don't know what I was thinking when I signed us up for this gig. I don't like dry camping. Thank god, Butch has a generator in his coach and we had our coffee ground from fresh beans. There is just so much pioneer spirit a girl can take. Oh well, we are getting to spend time with our friends and I guess that is something. And I miss my girl. Hope she remembers us when we get home. More later.

1 comment:

Keiko said...

Camping in the freezing north without any ammenities is something Rick and I do... NOT YOU GUYS! I guess we had a freaky friday thing on the cruise. We are looking at St. Thomas for my birthday.