Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On the Road Again

Good Afternoon to all my faithful followers: We left Robbie and Elaine's this morning and are headed home. We will stop over night in Cordele, Ga. KOA. We went out for dinner at the Cumberland State Park. They had a marvelous seafood buffet. Don had his favorite crab legs. They are too too much work for me and too too messy. My body is not going to know what to do with its self when I get back to ELEM. But we shall overcome it. Before dinner last night we did a cache down the road from Robbie and Elaine's. Robbie did just like Don Waltz. He walked right up to it and found it. We call him Bird Dog Jr. We are driving through downtown Chattanooga Tenn. Heading for I 24E. Bought my lavendar caching boots like Flo's at Tractor Supply in Dayton Tenn. Nothing like shopping in foreign stores. Okay I know that all this is thrilling so I will close for now because I don't want anyone over stimulated. More later Love to all. Brother, I blog every day almost and sometimes twice. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok sister I would have called back but I was mowing long and hard today. I feel like I should trade in my hands for clippers like johnny depp in that movie where he had the clippers instead of hands.